Kootenai Electric Cooperative’s (KEC) Instagram page is used as a means of communication in alignment with our print and online channels. Here we post information deemed important to members including, but not limited to, outage updates, safety information and community events.

This page is not monitored 24/7 and is not connected to our outage system. Please report all outages via SmartHub or our outage hotline at 1.877.744.1055.

Comments and discussion are encouraged on any of our posts. Questions, information requests and other messages will be answered during business hours. Comments and posts should not promote a product or business. Personal attacks, hate speech and any inappropriate language or interactions will not be tolerated.

Do not post any personal information on public posts. Call our office at 208.765.1200 for information regarding your account.

KEC reserves the right to remove any posts that violate these guidelines.