• Call KEC at (208) 765-1200 (or (877) 744-1055 after hours) to report a downed line or car accident with a KEC pole.
  • ​​​​​​Never touch or go near a downed power line. Always assume power lines are energized.
  • Don’t touch anything that may be touching a downed wire, such as a car.

If your car crashes into a utility pole, your vehicle may be charged with electricity. If this is the case and you step out of the car, you will become the electricity’s path to the ground and could be electrocuted.

Make sure you:

  • Stay in the car, and tell others to do the same.
  • Call 911 and mention the accident involves a utility pole.
  • Do not leave your vehicle until a utility professional has told you it is safe to do so.

The only circumstance under which you should exit the vehicle is if it is on fire. If necessary:

  • Jump clear of the vehicle with your feet together and without touching the vehicle and ground at the same time.
  • Continue to “bunny hop” with your feet together to safety. Doing this will ensure that you are only one point of contact and will not have different strengths of electric current running from one foot to another, which can be deadly.

If you come upon an accident involving power lines, do not approach the accident scene. If you see someone approaching, warn them to stay away.