To the best of Applicant’s knowledge, information and belief, the information set forth within this application including, but not limited to, the allotted credits, is true, accurate and correct. In the event any such information is later deemed to be inaccurate or incorrect, KEC reserves the right to recover the full amount of any resulting increase in costs and/or damages from the Applicant and Applicant agrees to pay the same.
Kootenai Electric Cooperative (KEC) wishes to make the installation of its electrical service to both residential and commercial customers as smooth and trouble-free as possible. While KEC attempts to compact its trenches, any time soil is excavated or disturbed there is some potential for settlement. KEC cannot and does not warrant (against settlement) utility trenches excavated for the purpose of installing underground power lines. By exercising this release, the undersigned acknowledges that KEC does not warrant its utility trenches against settlement and holds KEC harmless for any and all surface replacement(s) and/or repair(s) caused by or related to the settlement of the soil in the utility trench. Such repairs and the cost of said repairs shall remain the sole responsibility of the undersigned party for the installation of electrical power and any associated excavation at the applied for property. The undersigned acknowledges full acceptance of and sole liability and responsibility to pay and satisfy and/all costs, claims and/or damages should trench settlement result in any damages including, but not limited to, any cracks, dips, compaction, erosion or other excavation settlement related issues.
Unforeseen conditions may increase the project cost substantially. The applicant or member shall solely assume the risk of any and all increased costs resulting from any such unforeseen conditions. Should such circumstances arise during construction, the applicant will be notified of their options and cost to complete construction.
By signing, I acknowledge that I am authorized to execute this release for the electrical service located at the applied for property and hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold KEC harmless from any and all damages associated with trench settlement issues at the service address. This includes claims from any and all third parties, including future owners of the service address.
By providing my wireless phone number to Kootenai Electric Cooperative, I agree and acknowledge that Kootenai Electric Cooperative may send text messages to my wireless phone number for any purpose, including marketing purposes.