Finally, but equally important, you must contact KEC if you decide to install solar panels. Since the system must be connected to the electric grid, you’ll need to submit an application, pay a $250 non-refundable application fee, provide drawings and technical details of the array, sign an interconnection agreement, and have an inspection completed by KEC prior to the connection.

When you contact us, we can walk you through these steps. At that time, we can also review how KEC billing works once the installation is complete, including the required monthly service availability charge and how our kWh credits work for the excess energy your system may generate. Visit our Member Owned Generation page for a general overview of how you can work with us on connecting your new rooftop solar system.

For many homeowners, solar panels are a great way to help the environment and save on electric bills—but there are many factors to consider before diving in and installing a system. As with any major home project, do plenty of research upfront, and contact KEC at (208) 765-1200 or Email KEC. if you have questions or decide to move forward with installation.