Meters & Meter Bases

Block Photo MeterSometimes those projects require moving or upgrading the electrical lines and equipment used to supply electricity to your property. Understanding which equipment belongs to the Cooperative (and is our responsibility to maintain) and which equipment belongs to the property owner (and is your responsibility to maintain) is crucial in ensuring these projects are completed safely and efficiently. It is also imperative that any work on these facilities be completed by those trained to work on energized electrical equipment.

Your electric service has 2 parts, the electric meter, and the meter base. The meter is round and typically enclosed in clear plastic or glass. Meters are the property of Kootenai Electric Cooperative. Removing the meter requires special training, precautions, and safety equipment. Doing so improperly can lead to an electrical explosion. The person working with the meter could be injured or killed. Under no circumstances should meters be removed or relocated—temporarily or permanently—by anyone other than an authorized KEC representative. Please contact us if you’re planning on doing this kind of work and we can send a crew to your site.

The meter base is typically a rectangular metal box mounted near or on the outside of your home or business that the meter plugs into. Each meter base might look a little different. It belongs to the property owner and they are responsible for maintaining it in good serviceable order. If it’s damaged by weather or by any kind of accident, repair is the property owner’s responsibility. If you inspect your meter base and believe it needs repair, we encourage you to contact a licensed electrician.

Alternatively, you can take a picture of your meter base and send it to KEC using the form below. Sometimes, KEC staff will be able to confirm those concerns or identify other issues that may need to be corrected by KEC as well. There are also occasions when KEC field employees may notice a meter base in disrepair and in those cases the property owner may be notified of their need to have meter bases repaired. A damaged meter base can be a safety hazard for both members and KEC employees. If you have any questions please call us at (208) 765-1200.

Meter Base Inquiry Form

Meters, Meter Reading, & Meter Exchange Common Questions

When did KEC begin using electronic meters?

In 2003, KEC implemented Aclara’s TWACS (2 Way Automated Communication System) with Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology and replaced every member’s mechanical meter with an electronic meter. This change allowed KEC to reduce costs by removing contract labor and monthly transportation expenses for reading each meter. Reducing costs allows KEC to limit the amount and number of rate increases to our members.

Does KEC have “smart meters?”

Yes. “Smart meter” is a term being used both in the media and utility industry which generally describes a meter that can automatically communicate the amount of use recorded at the meter back to the utility. Simply put, these meters enable 2-way communication between the meter and the utility company. This is different from a meter which requires a manual reading every month by an employee or contractor for the utility.

Are all meters the same?

No. There are several types of meters being used by utilities across the country. Some utilize radio frequency technology and others use power line carrier technology for their communication path.

What meter technology does KEC utilize?

KEC’s Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology utilizes power lines for its communication path. This means the data exchange with the meters occurs over KEC’s infrastructure, not via a radio frequency (RF). Communicating with meters in this manner benefits our members by providing timely, relevant electric use information and outage information while minimizing costs.

How does KEC know its meters are safe?

Kootenai Electric Cooperative’s vendor, Aclara, has verified their meters meet all emission requirements set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The Aclara meters installed by KEC are tested to FCC Part 15 Class B standards. These emission standards are the same standards as required for Flat Screen TVs.

What is the benefit, if any, to having automated metering technology?

Kootenai Electric Cooperative believes its meters have many benefits to our members. First, hourly reads mean our members receive greater information about when they are using electricity. Since our members can view their use online, they can make educated choices based on how they use electricity. The communication download, which occurs 3 times a day, only takes a couple of seconds to complete.

In addition to the benefits provided to KEC members, KEC as an organization also benefits from automated metering technology.

These benefits include:

  • Near instant meter readings for move-in and out versus estimated bills.
  • KEC’s outage response time quickens by pinpointing trouble areas.
Will KEC be controlling my appliances through my meter?

No. KEC does not take control of members’ appliances, including air conditioners, heat pumps, or water heaters. Some utilities do have the capability of controlling a member’s appliances (load control) with a member’s permission. Typically, load control programs are structured so a utility pays a member for the ability to reduce a member’s load during those times when peaks are stressing the system. KEC has conducted a pilot program of this type, however, at this time it is no longer available to members. When offered, they are on a voluntary basis.