Kootenai Electric Trust Board
Responsibilities: Administers all Operation Round Up® donations. The Trust Board evaluates all requests for funds and determines how they will be distributed. The Trust Board is comprised of 7 members, 5 of whom represent specific geographical districts and 2 representing the Cooperative at large.
Time Commitment: The Trust Board meets each quarter for approximately 3 hours in the evening. They may have 1 to 3 additional meetings annually.
Board of Directors
Responsibilities: Determines policy and direction that allows KEC’s management to carry out the day-to-day business and operations of the Cooperative. The KEC Board is comprised of 7 directors, 5 of whom represent specific geographical districts and 2 who represent the Cooperative at large. Candidates must meet the qualifications outlined in the Cooperative’s bylaws and should also have strong business acumen and a broad understanding of regional and national energy issues.
Time Commitment: Approximately 60 days per year on board-related activities including periodically attending conferences and director training.
Credentials & Elections Committee
Responsibilities: Responsible for the overall election process at KEC. The Committee oversees voting and vote-counting procedures, including those used by any vendor engaged by the Cooperative to administer and/or count mail-in ballots. The Committee is comprised of 7 members, 5 of whom represent specific geographical districts and 2 who represent the Cooperative at large.
Time Commitment: The group meets once prior to the Annual Meeting and meets again the day of the Annual Meeting.
Nominating Committee
Responsibilities: Responsible for evaluating the qualifications of those members desiring to serve on the Board of Directors. They also verify that interested members are qualified to serve in that capacity and understand the responsibility they would assume if elected. The Committee is comprised of 7 members, 5 of whom represent specific geographical districts and 2 who represent the Cooperative at large.
Time Commitment: The group meets at least twice a year to interview and nominate candidates prior to the Annual Meeting. The meetings are generally held in the evening and last 2 to 3 hours.
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